I praise and thank God for granting me success on my NCLEX RN exam! It is truly by the grace of God! With the support of Solomon’s, I learned to focus, prioritize and sharpen critical thinking skills. Dr. Jiji Varughese and Mr. Geemon are willing to help you build your strategies and work with you one on one to improve your scores. Their continuous guidance and prayers for their students are admirable. Moreover, the in-class lectures, questions, and online tests will prepare you to be successful. Please study/read your content first before tackling the questions. I recommend reading the Quick Facts book 10-15 times before writing the NCLEX, it helped me to pass. The NCLEX journey comes with a lot of discipline, time management and it is important to be willing to sacrifice for this test! I believe that when we do our best, God will reward it. I appreciate Dr. Jiji Varughese and Mr. Geemon’s love and support through this process.